If you are using any version of Newcalendar prior to version 3.6 (other than 3.51b) there is a potential security hole. Please upgrade to a secure version.
get the most out of the Newcalendar mod, please read this entire file.
Navigating the Calendar:
Access the calendar by clicking on the calendar icon in the YaBB menu or YaBB Info Center. If the Admin has activated the Moon Phase display, then the calendar icon in the Info Center will appear as the current phase of the moon. The month view will be displayed.
To view the next month, click the Next button. To view the previous month, click the Prev button. To view other months, use the form at the bottom of the page to select the month and year and click the "View Calendar" button.
On the View Events or Edit Events Pages,
clicking on the month name opens the month view for that month. Clicking
on the year opens the year view for that year.
Click on the event name on the
month view or click on a bolded date on the year view calendar. Details
for the events for that day will open. If a member birthday is displayed,
clicking on the member's name will open that member's profile page.
Dear Bubba,I want you to check out the following event notice on the MineralArts Test Forums.Event: Geological Society
Posted by: Admin
Type of Event: Meeting
Date of Event: 1/16/2004To view details, please click the link below
add a new event:
Click on the date text for the
date of the event on the Month View or click on "Add/Edit
Events for this Day" at the bottom of the events table on the View Events
Page or click on a date on the year view calendar if it doesn't
already have an event scheduled. If the date text is not clickable
or the "Add/Edit Events for this Day" link does not appear on the View
Events Page, then you are not allowed to add/edit/delete events on this
calendar. The Forum Administrator determines which member groups
have write access to the calendar. Contact your Forum Admin to request
write access.
Clicking on the "Edit this Event Notice"
for an event or the "Add a New Event Notice" buttons will open the Edit
Event Page.
Name: This is the the name of the event that will appear on the month view and Info Center listing for the event. The maximum length is 15 characters. YaBBC codes are allowed here so smilies can be used. The YaBB censor function is applied to this field.
Type: This the type of the event. Events are organizied on the Info Center by type.
Repeat For: To create a multiday event open the edit events page for the first day of the event. Enter the number of days in the "Repeat for" box and select "Day(s)" from the drop down list.
To create recurring events open the edit events page for the first day the event will occur and enter the number of times the event will occur and select weeks, months, years, or 3rdTues from the drop down list. For example, if you have an event that occurs each Wednesday for three weeks, open the edit events page for the first Wednesday, enter 3 in the "repeat for" box and select Week(s) from the drop down menu. The 3rdTues option allows the entry of monthly events that occur on the same day of the week and the same week of the month but not on the same date each month. Example: a meeting that is scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month. The 2ndSunMay option allows the entry of annual events that occur on the same day of week, in the same week of the month, and in the same month of the year but not on the same date each year. Example: Mothers' Day (US Holiday) occurs the second Sunday in May.
Description: Enter the description of the event. YaBBC codes are allowed here so images, formatted text, links, smilies, etc. can be used here. The YaBB censor function is applied to this field.
Entered by: Shows who posted the event.
Add or Change Entry: Enter events one at a time and click the "Add or Change Entry" button for each event before adding or editing another event.
Delete: Click to delete the event. Note: There is no second chance here. If the delete button is pressed, the event is deleted.
Newcalendar Settings Page is accessed through the Admin Center or by clicking
the Newcalendar Settings link at the bottom of any calendar page (only
Admins see this link).
Type of Event Pick List Options: This is where the Admin can enter the types of events that will appear in the drop down list on the edit events page. Types are entered with a single space between each type and no commas or other punctuation. If you installed the Holiday Pack, be sure to enter Holiday as an event type.
Default Event Type: This is the event type from the list above that should be used as the default when the user fails to select an event type.
Display events for how many days? The listing of calendar events in the Info Center may be set to display events for several days into the future. The minimum number of days is 1 (today's events). This setting also controls the number of days for which events will be displayed in the SSI and YaBB FrontEnd (Who's On) mod display.
Split Info Center Output if exceeds # lines: Depending on the number of events and birthdays, the Upcoming Events section on the Info Center can become quite long. This setting provides an option to split the Upcoming Events into two more or less equal columns. If the number of lines of output exceeds the number entered here the output is split, otherwise, it remains as a single column. The minimum setting here is four (4). To prevent the output from ever splitting into two columns, enter a very high number here. If the events are split into two columns, events for a single day will always be kept together in the same column. This setting only applies to the Info Center display, not the SSI or YaBB FrontEnd displays.
Show mini month calendar in Info Center? Check to display the current month calendar in the Info Center.
Allow Use of [newcal] tag? If checked, users will be able to use the [newcal=10,2003] YaBBC tag to add mini-calendars to posts. Note: If you have limited calendar access to the Newcal Group in the settings above, other users will not see the mini-calendars produced by the [newcal] tag.
Activate yabb minical template tag? If checked, placing a <yabb minical> tag in the template.html will insert a small current month calendar in the forum template. If you are not using a <yabb minical> tag in your forum template you can improve performance by leaving this box un-checked.
Limit Event Posting to Admins and Calendar Moderators Only? Checking this box will allow only Admins and Calendar Moderators to post events. Other users still will be able to view events.
Calendar Moderators: The members of the member groups* specified in this box will become Calendar Moderators. As Calendar Moderators, these members will have the ability to add/edit/delete events when the check box above is checked. In addition, Calendar Moderators can modify/delete events written by anyone.
Limit Calendar Access? When this box is checked, all members may view the calendar. When unchecked, only Admins and the members of the member groups specified in the Newcal Group will be able to view the calendar.
Newcal Group: The members of the member groups* specified in this box will be granted exclusive access to the calendar when the box above is un-checked. Tip: Unchecking box below and entering a nonexistent member group name makes calendar visible to Admin only (handy for hiding calendar during major updates).
*The member groups discussed here are the member groups defined in YaBB and created and modified through the Edit Member Groups function in the Admin Center. Members are added to these member groups through individual member Profile pages. Members are added as Calendar Moderators and Newcalgroup only through member groups, not as individuals.Member group names should be entered in the boxes with a comma between each group name and no spaces between group names:
GroupOne,Group Two,Global Moderators ==> Correct
GroupOne, Group Two, Global Moderators ==> NO! Use no spaces between group names!
GroupOne|Group Two|Global Moderators ==> NO! Commas are the only separator used!
Guest Event Posting: If
checked guests may post events, if unchecked guest posting is not allowed.
Date Format: This setting allows the date to be displayed in one of two formats. If unchecked, the date will be shown as "Friday, November 15, 2002". If checked, the date will be shown as Friday 15 November 2002.
First Day of Week: If unchecked, Sunday will be shown as the first day of the week. If checked, Monday will be shown as the first day of the week.
Moon Phases on Month View Calendar: If checked, the full moon and new moon will be shown on the month view calendar.
Show Birthdays on Month View: If checked, member birthdays will appear on the month view Calendar. Birthdays are not shown on the year view calendar.
Include Ages on Month View: If checked, user ages will be displayed next to names when birthdays are shown on the month view calendar.
Show birthdays on Info Center, SSI, and Whoson Views: If checked, member birthdays will appear on the Info Center, SSI, and Whoson (YaBB FrontEnd).
Include Ages on Info Center, SSI, and
Whoson Views: If checked, user ages will be displayed next to
names when birthdays are shown on the Info Center, SSI, and Whoson (YaBB
Allow Event Notices via Email:
If checked, users may send notices of events to others via email by clicking
buttons on the view events pages.
Extended Profiles Options: These settings will appear only if the Extended Profiles mod (available from BoardMod ) is loaded on the Forum. If the Forum Administrator has created Profile Fields of Field Type = Date these fields will be displayed here with a set of options. If no Profile Fields of Type = Date have been created, the message "No Date Fields Exist in Extended Profiles" will appear in place of these settings. The format is to provide the name of the field and links to the profile pages of users on the date the users have set on their profile pages. This is similar to how the birthday display works. If your forum has many members, displaying Extended Profiles fields may increase server load and increase page loading time for calendar pages.
Use Extended Profiles fields on Calendar?: Check this box if you plan to display any of the Extended Profiles fields on the calendar. If you do not plan to display any Extended Profiles fields on your calendar, leaving this box unchecked can greatly speed up the loading of your calendar pages, particularly if your forum has many members.
Show on Month View: If checked, the field will be shown on the month view.
Show in Info Center: If checked, the field will be shown under Upcoming Events in the Info Center, SSI, and YaBB FrontEnd.Make Annual Event: If checked, the field will be displayed on the same date every year. Note: This applies to user-set dates which occur in the future as well as past dates. If unchecked, the field will only be displayed in the year entered by the user on the Profile page.Years on Month View: If checked, the elapsed years between the user set date and the current calendar date will appear on the month view. This is similar to the age display for birthdays. Note: This only applies to user-set dates of at least one year prior to the calendar date. These elapsed years will not be shown for user set dates which occur in the future. This setting only applies when the Make Annual Event setting is checked.
Years on Info Center: If checked, the elapsed years between the user set date and the current calendar date will appear in the Info Center, SSI, and FrontEnd mod. This is similar to the age display for birthdays. Note: This only applies to user-set dates of at least one year prior to the calendar date. These elapsed years will not be shown for user set dates which occur in the future. This setting only applies when the Make Annual Event setting is checked.
Month View Calendar Table Properties**: The border width, cell padding, cell spacing, and cell height of the month view calendar are set here.
Year View Calendar Table Properties**:
The border width, cell padding, and cell spacing of the year view calendar
are set here. The "Year table" settings control the border width,
cell padding, and cell spacing of the overall calendar while the "Month
table" settings control the border width, cell padding, and cell spacing
of each individual month calendar.
SSI mini-cal, and <yabb minical> Tags Calendar Table Properties**:
border width, cell padding, and cell spacing of the mini-calendars produced
by the [newcal] YaBBC tag, SSI mini-cal statement, and <yabb minical>
template tags are set here.
**The sample calendars shown next to these settings are created using these settings so the Admin can see the results of changing these settings without leaving the Newcalendar Settings page. To update the sample calendar, click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The colors and fonts displayed on the sample calendars are derived from the .newcal settings in the template.html file. To change calendar colors and fonts, edit the .newcal settings in the template.html file.
Calendar colors and fonts are in the template.html file .newcal settings.
The Newcalendar mod supports two Server Side Include (SSI) statements: the first adds the Upcoming Events list to HTML pages and the second adds a mini month view calendar to HTML pages. Correct the tags below to reflect the path to your YaBB forum from your root web directory. Note that many servers require that an HTML page carrying an include statement like those below have an .shtml extension instead of an .html or .htm extension. Note: these SSI statements produce output visible to all readers even if you have limited access to your calendar to specific member groups.
If you would like the tag to always show the current month and year use this tag instead:
.newcal33 {color:
black;font-size: 10px} /* Newcal tag - dates with no events*/
.newcal34 {color:
#0000FF;font-size: 10px;font-weight:bold} /*Newcal tag - days with events,
not today*/
.newcal35 {color:
#000000;font-size: 12px} /* Newcal tag - Month and Year text*/
.newcal36 {color:
#FF0000;font-size: 10px;font-weight:bold} /* Newcal tag -today*/
.newcal37 {background-color:
#CFE6FB} /* Newcal tag - month table background*/
.newcal38 {background-color:
#FFFFCC} /* Newcal tag - Month and Year cell background color*/
.newcal39 {background-color:
#CFE6FB} /* Newcal tag - date cell background color*/
To define the calendar fonts as you wish, be sure to have something like:
p,h1,h2,h3,h4,ul,ol,li,div,td,th,address,blockquote,nobr,b,i { font-family:Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;}
your template.html to define the general font-family for the whole board.
Otherwise the fonts will default to the user's browser defaults.
The calendar will work either way. To change specific fonts and colors
in the calendar, modify the .newcal settings in the template.html file.
from Newcalendar 1.x:
No good upgrade path exists, uninstall
older Newcalendar version and install this version. The database
file has changed in format so you will lose all current entries.
Upgrade from Newcalendar version 2.x or 3.x:
The holiday.txt file is an optional database file for Newcalendar that is pre-loaded with a number of holidays. The holiday information is written in english and there is a bias toward US holidays, also, the holiday information is somewhat dated. The holiday information was volunteered by members of the Boardmod forum. If you have favorite holidays you would like to see on the next version of the holiday pack, please post your request here: Ironwing's Forum
If you are installing Newcalendar for the first time or don't want to keep any events currently on your calendar then rename the file holidays.txt to newcaldb.txt and load this newcaldb.txt file to your Variables directory and chmod to 666.
you want to add the holiday pack to an existing Newcalendar calendar and
want to keep the events currently on your calendar then:
The Newcalendar mod includes an additional mod file called:
newcal addon for whoson mod.mod
This is an optional addon mod is for the YaBB FrontEnd (Who's On) mod version 1.0. It will place Upcoming Events from the Newcalendar database into the YaBB FrontEnd mod display. The YaBB FrontEnd mod must be installed and working correctly before installing this addon. If your forum is running version 1.1 or greater, this script is already included and this addon should not be used.
install, install the mod file using BoardMod or manually, and upload the
modified whoson.pl file. If you are already using the birthdays addon
for the Who's On mod, you may wish to deactivate it as this addon also
provides member birthday info.
Version 3.7 (this version)
Authors: Ironwing, GauGau, & Nermware
This mod is based on the eventcalendar.pl script by NermWare. Converted to YaBB mod by Ironwing.
The MoonPhase.pl script based on module MoonPhase.pm by Raino Pikkarainen, available at www.cpan.org.
Thanks to Zoo for the code to greatly speed up the Newcalendar birthday code.
Thanks to Shoeb Omar for hefty code snippets from the Add More Smilies mod.
Thanks also to chrishartmann, Demon Slayer, and Max for code snippets from the Birthday mod.
Direct questions about this mod to Ironwing.