Enter a Title. Pick a Start Location on the map
then Press Here:
The app checks for changes in the words for the final popup/marker infoWindow and the List. The top input field is the Title or TOP in the infoWindow on your map. The next input field, the gray box, is the information part of the infoWindow. IF input 1 and input 2 are identical, the app will PARSE the second City Name, place it on TOP, PARSE first for the BOTTOM. followed by 2 commas. currently, the only images working are the ones listed in the 2 sources provided in the Locations list and your Favorites list. Zoom in as close as possible. Select Satellite View and put the markers in their parking lots. :) Click the Target to Set Location. Be careful using the Google Addresses, some may be accurate, but some can be very, very wrong. If in any doubt Click another spot or 2 to check. Open the Locations list to add Grand Lake Area Locations. The only thing required is typing your Name, the Title and Clicking. :) It will make a perfect map. The Destination is set, now add the Starting Location to the map. |